Planet Mars black-body temperature (effective temperature) Te misfortunate coincidence

Planet Mars black-body temperature (effective temperature) Te misfortunate coincidence

We have calculated the Corrected Effective Temperature for Mars Te.correct.mars = 174 K

But let's see what happened when the Effective Temperature of Mars was not yet corrected. Te.mars = 209,8 K

Tsat. mean.mars = 210 K

We have here planet Mars mean temperature measured by satellites:

Tsat.mean.mars = 210 K

We have the Mars black-body temperature

Te = 209,8 K

These temperatures the Tsat.mean.mars = 210 K and the black-body temperature Te.mars = 209,8 K are almost identical.

These two very important for planet Mars temperatures are almost identical, but it is a coincidence.

It is a coincidence, but with very important consequences.

Let's explain:

Tsat.mean.mars = 210 K measured by satellites is almost equal with Te.mars = 209,8 K

When measuring by satellites the Tsat.mean.mars = 210 K and calculating Mars black-body temperature Te.mars. = 209,8 K scientist were led to mistaken conclusions.

First they concluded that the planet's effective and planet's without-atmosphere mean surface temperatures should normally be equal, which is wrong.

Secondly they concluded that Earth without atmosphere should have an average surface temperature equal to the Earth's black-body temperature (effective temperature), = 255 K

Then they compared the = 255 K with the measured by satellites = 288 K

The difference of 288 K - 255 K = Δ33 oC was then attributed to the Earth’s atmosphere greenhouse warming effect.

Now we have the Mars Corrected Effective Temperature

Te.correct.mars = 174 K.

The fact that the Corrected Effective Temperature of Mars is Te.correct.mars = 174 K, which is not even close to the satellite measured Tsat.mean.mars = 210 K debunks the above syllogism that the planet the calculated black-body temperature Te (effective temperature) is equal to the planet without atmosphere mean surface temperature Tmean.

The above wrong syllogism happened because of the wrongly estimated Mars black-body temperature.

It was calculated assuming planet absorbing incoming solar energy as a disk. We know now that planet absorbs the incoming solar energy as a sphere, and not as a disk.

Applying a simplest LOGIC

We are considering here the airless selestial bodies - the planets and moons without-atmosphere.

A measured planet mean surface temperature Tmean cannot be numerically equal to the theoretically calculated planet effective temperature Te (i. e. Mars Tmean =210K vs Mars Te =210K).

For the obvious reason - there are NOT planets and moons in the entire solar system with uniform surface temperatures!!!


Also, when discussing (i. e. Mars Tmean =210K vs Mars Te =210K) we are considering the same exactly planet, so it should emit the same exactly amount of IR EM energy, no matter what.

It is impossible for a planet having Te =210K to emit the same amount of IR EM energy as it emits a planet which has Tmean =210K and which planet is very much far from being a uniform surface temperature selestial body.

If they emit the same amount of IR EM energy - they are two different planets.

So, the above assertion: Tmean = Te is utterly wrong, because it is physically impossible!



Planet effective temperature (Te) is a mathematical abstraction. The only connection with the real world it has - is that it can be considered as a vague aproximation, when estimating the expected planetary temperatures, since it uses the actual solar flux on the planetary surface, plus it uses the actual average surface Albedo.

Comparison of Te and Te.correct for planets Mars, Earth, Moon and Mercury

Φ = 0,47 is the for smooth without atmosphere planet surface solar irradiation accepting factor


Mars …....210 K ....209,8 K …174 Κ

Earth.......288 K.......255..K......210 K

Moon.......220 K......270,4..K....224 K

Mercury....340 K......440 K......364 K

Let's explain:

For Mars

Tsat.mean.mars = 210 K measured by satellites is almost equal with

Te.mars = 209,8 K (black-body equation calculated)

So scientist were led to mistaken conclusions.

First they assumed that the planet's without-atmosphere effective and mean surface temperatures were equal, which is wrong.

Second, Earth's effective temperature was calculated as = 255 K

The measured by satellites = 288 K.

The difference of Δ 33 oC was attributed to the Earth’s atmosphere greenhouse warming effect.

Now we have calculated Mars' effective temperature as

Te.correct = 174 K

So the assumption that planet without-atmosphere mean surface temperature

Tmean = Te is wrong.

Mars' Tsat.mean.mars = 210 K.

We can conclude now that Earth's = 255 K is not equal with the Earth's

The satellite measured = 288 K

and it is the Earth's actual average (mean) surface temperature.

Thus the difference of 288 K - 255 K = Δ33 oC does not exist.

Also we have calculated the Earth's = 210 K

which is much less than the previously calculated by the black-body equation = 255 K.

Te is a misleading mathematical abstraction, which, in addition, is wrongly estimated…

What I insist in is that planet without-atmosphere effective temperature Te is a wrong and misleading mathematical abstraction.

Also, I have shown, (this wrong and misleading mathematical abstraction) Te is, at the same time, wrongly estimated.

Thus we deal here with a misleading mathematical abstraction, which, in addition, is wrongly estimated…

As it is shown in the Table above:

Te.mars = 210 K, Te.correct.mars = 174 K = 255 K, = 210 K





  The faster a planet rotates (n2>n1) the higher is the planet’s average (mean) temperature T↑mean:

Tmin→ T↑mean ← Tmax
